
My friend,

I’m delighted that you’ve joined me up here.

Lo! Beyond this hill are budding pastures of introspection, and they’re waiting to be reaped. Indeed, it is said that no two fields yield the same, and it’s true: you may find aphorisms, anecdotes, questions, fictions, and more, just beyond this page.

Before you leave however, I ask that you take heed, my friend, as I cannot control the seasons. Posts may be as frequent (or infrequent) as a salubrious rainstorm — an affirmation to ensure that every post sent to your inbox is the fruit of quality.

Lastly, I believe that my intent for this newsletter requires some context. The most obvious characteristic of modernity is how transient human knowledge has become. Though we hold the total record of humanity in our pockets at any given time, public consciousness has deteriorated into a state of total psychosis. Only words imbued with absolute truth have the ability to be pertinent today, and everlasting tomorrow. This ethos is the guiding principle of my work here.


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This space will always remain free, but financial support is encouraged if you feel so compelled. 🪶


God will keep me in check. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

Subscribe to KONSTANT

Thoughts and lessons to myself, for you to enjoy.

